I want to wish the readers of RaggedyMom a wonderful and happy Pesach! I'm sure there will be lots for us to share with one another after the chag.
Enjoy it!
Motherhood is an art, not a science. And it's a good thing, too, since I barely passed science.
Chag Kasher V'Sameach
Oh my goodness - that is the cutest picture of Ann.
Chag Kasher V'Sameach. Can't wait to hear the Raggedy stories after the chag.
Have a great yom tov
Thanks RM! I know I haven't posted in forevvvvver but I've been lurking/commenting. Too much schoolwork to write anything of interest, and you know what they say, better to be silent and be thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt. So I've saved all the trivial stuff in my brain, and I'm searching for something meaningful to write about. Hope your Passover is great!
Chag Sameach RM!
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