Monday, January 01, 2007

First Misheard Comment of the Year

My parents once remarked that they knew they were old when all of their kids stayed up later than they did. Of course, it didn't take long for us to achieve that. They're very much the "early to bed and ridiculously early to rise" type.

My kids' bedtime is around 6:30, so although I won't be using that measure for some time, RaggedyDad and I have definitely hit a degree of fogey-dom. I was asleep well before the ball dropped about ten miles from here.

Today, I turned to RaggedyDad and said, "Happy New Year!"

To which he replied, "You have pain in your ear?!"

For a moment, I forgot all about it being January 1, and thought, "One second, maybe my ear does kind of hurt."

I don't think I'll ever hear someone say "Happy New Year" without laughing to myself inside, or being tempted to ask them if they have "pain in their ear."

Is it that we're getting over the hill (even though we're babies!) or is it just another chapter of life with a foreigner?

I can't wait to see what other kooky mix-ups transpire in 2007.


Baleboosteh said...

Happy new Year... I said HAPPY NEW YEAR...

just wanted to make sure you could hear me, I know you are getting old!


socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Ha ha pretty funny. Happy new year.

Ezzie said...

LOL - Before I feel really dumb, how did I become 19?! :)

RaggedyMom said...

Baleboosteh - Thanks for speaking up! I hate walking around saying "what?" all the time!

SWFM - No, I told you, I don't have any pain in my ear!

Ezzie - First you have to explain what you mean by "you or Ann" in the my firehouse post. I'm still scratching my ear over that one.

19 is just the age I have in my head for anyone young. I know you're not really 19, but you and Serach sure look it! :) That being said, the main reason I chose elementary school teaching over junior high or high school is that when I observed in those schools I was always being asked why I was out of class.

Ezzie said...

LOL. It's okay, most people think Serach is between 12 and 16. That's why she teaches 3-4 year olds. :P

Hmm, I'll have to go see what I meant...

Ezzie said...

Oh - who is writing the letter?!

RaggedyMom said...

Oh, OK. Generally, in these cases (letters, birthday cards, etc.) I write my own message. Then Ann dictates her message to me, and I transcribe it for her. She usually likes to draw a picture too.

Hot Chanie said...

RM: I liked that!

(And Ezzie does NOT look anywhere near 19...)

kasamba said...

I remember I asked a man for the time and he said 'I'm fine, thanks!'

Have a great ear!

PsychoToddler said...

Crap, I guess I'm old. I have no idea what time my kids get to sleep...

RaggedyMom said...

HC - Thanks! I'm surprised to have found a friend in the "cool crowd!"

I'm still going with 19 though - and I've even seen him in person!

Kasamba - LOL thanks!!

PT - Well, they're teenagers! In high school, I often only got in a couple of hours of sleep before my parents woke up. My mother has the habit of having the entire house spotlessly magazine perfect by 5:15 a.m.

Sarah - Glad I made ya smile!